Erin, Owen, and the Loch Ness Monster, an animated short for which I voiced Owen, has started its festival run, winning "Best Animation" at the LA Family film Festival and screening at the Academy Award-qualifying Miami Film Festival in March!.

That's a wrap on a short comic murder mystery, The Barnicott Hangover!

The Palooka—an award-winning film in which I co-star with Bryan Batt is making the rounds at festivals across the country – 16 festivals and counting! Highlights included Soho International Film Festival screening at the IndieLounge at Sundance last year.

Worked on a short zom-com called Zombie Survival Guide, available to view now on YouTube!

The trailer is now online for the short film "With This Kiss" from Purple Velvet Productions. It was a great shoot and I can't wait for the film fests.

The reading of a new musical "Between A Rock And A Hard Place" at Emerging Artists Theater went well. I've reprised the role for additional performances as well.